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"Restore Gut health with colon cleansing at MCC" Des McCready
Where to find us!
138 Glenwood Court, Glenavy Road
Lisburn, County Antrim
BT28 3WD
What is a colonic treatment?
A colonic is a process that uses a high volume of water to flush out waste from the colon, which is the longest part of the large intestine. this practice is also known as colonic irrigation, colon hydrotherapy, or a colon cleanse. This procedure clears waste and toxins from the body, improves digestion, boosts your immune function and lowering colon cancer risk
"Fantastic clinic with the lowest prices anywhere
Des is a real professional who will put you at your ease and will give you excellent advice (he is a qualified Nutritionist also) at your colonic session.
I always feel amazing after colonics at Moira Colonic Clinic"
Cherie Magee (Media Manager, North Belfast)
" I was a bit nervous about getting a colonic at first, thinking that it would be a bit strange. Des, however, made me feel really relaxed and comfortable the whole way through. I can't describe to you how amazing I felt afterwards, I was lighter, felt so clean and my energy levels were through the roof."
John Shaw
I’ve been attending this clinic for some years and can highly recommend it. I suffered from Bloating and Constipation and thanks to the excellent advice and colonic cleanses from Des I now enjoy excellent health. I highly recommend this clinic for a thoroughly professional service. You will not be disappointed."
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